Alex Strada


Alex Strada has served as the inaugural Public Artist-in-Residence with the NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) and Cultural Affairs since fall 2022. After spending extensive time working closely with people experiencing homelessness (including asylum seekers) and DHS staff, she is now working towards a new large-scale, socially-engaged public artwork, Public Address. Strada invites people living in shelters and DHS staff to write and record/film their own “log entries” to address misperceptions about the experience of homelessness and NYC’s unique Right to Shelter law. These logs will then be UV printed onto upcycled Department of Transportation street signs and used for a series of site specific installations that intervene in public sites across the boroughs. The work will be on view for one year beginning summer/fall 2024. Public programming will activate the installations, including log book entry readings by participants and educational, action-based programming on housing and homelessness. After this public display, the sculptures will be broken down and permanently housed in libraries, museum collections, and at the 30th Street DHS intake shelter. An artist book will archive the project, including all log entries and documentation of the process, public artworks, and activations.