This page acts as a compilation of useful resources and opportunities for financial assistance for those affected by the Los Angeles wildfires at this time. Note for those who have lost items/housing in the fires: File insurance claims ASAP. Claims are usually first come, first served.
If you were not directly affected by the fires, but live in Los Angeles and would like to volunteer in person, please refer to this list of volunteer opportunities. If you were not directly affected by the fires, but would like to support by donating, there are lists of GoFundMe campaigns below.
This list will receive updates periodically as new opportunities emerge but is not definitive. Check out LAFD updates for the latest news on the LA wildfire status.
Resource Sheets
The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant
CERF+ Craft Emergency Relief Fund
Entertainment Community Fund Emergency Financial Assistance
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
ATTN: If you currently have a GoFundMe campaign or are planning to start one, it is important to avoid potential conflicts with FEMA assistance.
FEMA states: By law, FEMA cannot duplicate benefits you receive from another source. If you receive money from a GoFundMe page for something specific, such as repairs, funeral expenses or other aid, this may affect your FEMA eligibility, but survivors should still apply for assistance and let FEMA determine if you are eligible.
Avoid specifying what your GoFundMe funds will be used for if you intend to apply for FEMA assistance for those specific purposes. Use broader language.
Here are some ways to rephrase your request for donations:
– We’re seeking support to cover unexpected costs and to get back on our feet.
– These funds will assist with needs that might not be fully covered by other sources of aid.
– Your help will allow us to address the many aspects of recovery and support our family through this crisis.
Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant
LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund
Rauschenberg Emergency Medical Grants for Artists
Due to the extraordinary destruction and devastation caused by the recent and ongoing California Wildfires, NYFA will provide grant deadline extensions for eligible artists in the affected area*. The deadline of January 14 is extended through February 20 at 5PM ET. Eligible applicants may apply for funds for emergency mental health, medical or dental treatment, whether related to the impacts of the wildfires or not.
*Artists residing in Los Angeles county, which has received a FEMA Disaster Declaration related to the California Wildfires, are eligible. If you were prevented from applying by the deadline because of a different recent Presidentially-declared disaster, please contact to request an extension.
List of GoFundMe campaigns