Lise Swenson

Artadia Awardee

Lise Swenson (d. 2016) was involved in the media arts in the Bay Area since the early 1980s. As a media artist she created documentaries, experimental documentaries, feature length fiction and short experimental video art works. Swenson also created multi-monitor and site specific video installation.

In 1984 she co-founded ATA, (Artists’ Television Access), a non-profit media arts access and education facility and in 1995 she founded TILT (Teaching Intermedia Literacy Tools), a nonprofit that works within school programs and community organizations to teach the fundamentals of media literacy and moviemaking.

Swenson’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and has received numerous awards and grants. She was the recipient of a Creative Work Fund grant which helped to seed the creation of Mission Movie, her first feature length award winning narrative film. She also attended the 2007 Sundance Film Festival where she represented Lynn Hershman Leeson’s critically acclaimed hybrid documentary Strange Culture as Producer and Assistant Director.

Most recently, Swenson’s feature film Saltwater was released in 2014.