Brian Kapernekas lives and works in Chicago, IL. Recent two person show Regarding the Unknown in 2018, with Leslie Baum at Yellow Door Gallery, Des Moines IA. Solo exhibitions include: Lanterns Through Marble Tides 2019, Below the Ground Above the Fog in 2016, with 65GRAND; and Cabin Fever at Proof Gallery, Boston in 2009. Selected group exhibitions include: With a Capital P: Selections by Six Painters, curated by Leslie Baum, Elmhurst Art Museum in Elmhurst IL, 2019; Around Flat, curated by William Staples at The Knockdown Center in New York in 2015; Slow Read, curated by Justin Witte at Glass Curtain Gallery, Columbia College Chicago and The House of the Seven Gables, University Gallery, Illinois State University, Bloomington, both in 2013; and Loveland Pass at Grölle Pass Projects, Wuppertal, Germany in 2011. Kapernekas received the Artadia: Fund for Art and Dialogue Grant in 2004. His work has been featured by ArtSlant, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Newcity and TimeOut.